Welcome to the Nelson Marlborough Classic Motoring Club…. New Zealand website. We’re all about having fun, no matter what car you drive, as long as you think it’s a classic.

We have regular monthly local day-runs where you can meet new friends from not only Nelson but also Blenheim, Richmond, Motueka, Golden Bay and as far away as Christchurch.

Every so often we will venture further afield on two to three day runs to places around the top of the South Island and the West Coast. We also publish a club newsletter.

You can have a look at the latest edition of the newsletter on our website, check out our Club Events coming up.

You can start the process of joining our club by filling in our application form. Subs are currently $25 double or $15 single  per year.

Happy motoring 

Classic Motoring Society of New Zealand Incorporated

Copyright © 2024 Nelson Marlborough Classic Motoring Club